
CAS Advanced Studies Offer - spring semester 2019

The Center for Advanced Studies has launched the CAS Advanced Studies Offer for the incoming spring semester 2018/2019.

Third conference on the Philosophy of Science and Formal Methods in Philosophy, 13-14.12.2018

The Center for Advanced Studies of the Warsaw University of Technology invites for the 3rd conference on Philosophy of Science and Formal Methods in Philosophy, co-organized with the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences of the Warsaw University of Technology and other scientific institutions.

Christmas Eve at the Centre for Advanced Studies, 17.12.2018

On 17.12.2018 in the headquarters of the Center for Advanced Studies a Christmas Eve meeting was held with the participation of guests associated with the activity of the Center.

Colloquium Lecture - Professor Utz von Wagner , 29.11.2018

Professor Utz von Wagner from Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, will deliver a lecture in English "Nonlinear Oscillations in Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems: Set-ups, Methods, Phenomena and Technical Examples", 29.11.2018

SCIENTIA SUPREMA - Colloqium Lectures WUT - Professor Czesław Radzewicz

Professor Czesław Radzewicz will deliver the lecture titled "Towards strong ultrashort laser pulses", 29.11.2018.

Pythagorean Disputations V, 27.11.2018

The Center for Advanced Studies of the Warsaw University of Technology invites to another meeting in the series of Pythagorean Disputations entitled "Natural and artificial intelligence - expectations and predictions“, 27th of November 2018, at 4:15 pm at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science WUT, lecture hall No. 01, Koszykowa 75 Street, Warsaw.