Christmas Eve at the Centre for Advanced Studies, 17.12.2018

On 17.12.2018 in the headquarters of the Center for Advanced Studies a Christmas Eve meeting was held with the participation of guests associated with the activity of the Center.

Traditional Christmas greetings were honored by the awarding of the honorary statuette of the Genius of Knowledge to Professor Włodzimierz Kurnik, by the Director of the Center for Advanced Studies Prof. Stanisław Janeczko, in recognition of his contribution to the Center for Advanced Studies. During the second rectorial term at Wut (2008-2012) in response to the initiative of Prof. Stanisław Janeczko, Prof. Kurnik decided to establish the Center for Advanced Studies and supported this unit at the beginning of its activity.


The meeting was attended by the Director of  CAS Prof. StanisÅ‚aw Janeczko, Deputy Director Prof. Piotr PrzybyÅ‚owicz, the Center's team, and invited guests: awarded Prof. WÅ‚odzimierz Kurnik, Director of the Institute of Fundamental Machine Construction, Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering WUT WUT; Prof. Elżbieta JarzÄ™bowska (Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, WUT), Prof. Jerzy Banaszek (Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, WUT), Prof. Leszek Adamowicz (Faculty of Physics, WUT), Prof. Jerzy Kijowski (Polish Academy of Sciences), Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Prof. Jan SÅ‚yk, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology WUT, Prof. Ewa Bartnik (Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology UW), Joanna PÄ™tkowska (Faculty of Architecture WUT), Franciszek Krok (Faculty of Physics, WUT), Prof. Piotr WolaÅ„ski (Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, WUT), Roman Morawski (Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, WUT), Dr. Adrian Kuźniar (Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, UW), Prof. MaÅ‚gorzata Lewandowska (Faculty of Materials Engineering, WUT), Dr. Leszek Mellibruda, lecturer at the  CAS, Warsaw University of Technology.

We invite you to see the photos from the event in the gallery.