
CAS Advanced Studies Offer - autumn semester 2020

The Center for Advanced Studies has launched the offer of basic and special lectures to be delivered in the autumn semester 2020/2021.

Pythagorean Disputations VI, 10.03.2020

The Center for Advanced Studies of the Warsaw University of Technology invites you to the 6th edition of the Pythagorean Disputations organized in cooperation with the International Center for Formal Ontology WUT (WAiNS PW) "Using Conceptual Spaces To Model The Structure Of Empirical Theories", whose special guest will be Professor Peter GƤrdenfors (Lund University, Sweden). The meeting will be hosted by Dr. Hajo Greif (International Center for Formal Ontology, Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, WUT).

CAS Advanced Studies Offer - spring semester 2020

The Center for Advanced Studies has launched the offer of basic and special lectures to be delivered in the spring semester 2019/2020.

Visiting professor at CAS Yingying Zhang from Tsinghua University, 06-13.01.2020

On 06-13 of January 2020, Dr. Yingying Zhang, Assistant Professor at the Yau Mathematical Sciences Center at Tsinghua University in Beijing, was a guest at the Center for Advanced Studies.

Expert Seminar- "Trust in technology in e-government", 10.12.2019

The Center for Advanced Studies of the Warsaw University of Technology and the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw invite you to a lecture in the series "Challenges of Engineering and Business Modellingā€¯.

5thCAS Distinction for Professor Andrzej Trautman, 03.12.2019

Distinction of the Center for Advanced Studies WUT

Pythagorean Universe

"Laus tibi, non tuleris qui vincula mente animoque"

awarded to Professor Andrzej Trautman, 03.12.2019.