Associated Laboratories

Associated Laboratories are CAS partners in the process of improving the quality of education and heightening the level of scientific research at Warsaw University of Technology. Associated Laboratories actively participate in the exchange of high-level ideas and experiences through their commitment to CAS projects and programmes. They also assist in working on new forms of academic activities, including access to knowledge and technology.

The Status of an Associated Laboratory can be granted to those academic teams of WUT who use unique equipment or conduct brave and pioneer experiments. The Status of an Associated Laboratory is awarded by the Director of CAS after consultations with the Advisory Council.

Teams of Associated Laboratories take part in the CAS activities along with their unique infrastructure, and particularly through taking part in the CAS programmes aimed at educating  outstanding and the most committed graduate and postgraduate students. The teams are also invited to participate in seminars, Colloquium Lectures and other meetings organised by the Center.

Center for Advanced Studies provides the teams of Associated Laboratories with an access to its own library collection as well as specific, secured contents at our website, ie chosen publications, abstracts and summaries of seminars and Colloquium Lectures. Associated Laboratories are also entitled  to conducting joint research with the assistance of the CAS organizational structure.

The Laboratory of Optical Informatics - Faculty of Physics, WUT

The Laboratory of Optical Informatics for many years conducted research in the field of optics, diffraction, microoptics, holography and optical information processing. Efforts are aimed at practical applications. The current research is conducted in the following main fields:

Laboratorium Technik Femtosekundowych

Laboratorium Technik Femtosekundowych jest jednym z najmłodszych i najnowocześniej wyposażonych laboratoriów na Wydziale Fizyki Politechniki Warszawskiej. Bazę aparaturową laboratorium stanowi układ femtosekundowy firmy Spectra Physics składający się z jednostek:

Laboratory of material characterization of micro- and nanostructures (MCMN Lab) - Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, WUT

The MCMN Lab was established in 2010 and provides equipment for comprehensive surface and bulk characterization of physical and chemical properties of materials as well as micro- and nanoscale structures. The up-to-date instrumentation enables the performance of observations and analyses of test samples surface morphology (e.g. topography, structure) as well as their surface and bulk chemical composition.

Laboratory of Biosensors - Faculty of Chemistry, WUT

Lab. 10, Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology

Laboratory of Biosensors is a part of Department of Microbioanalytics, Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology. Its scientific investigations are focused on the development of biosensors and micro-analytical systems for bioanalysis.

Graphene Laboratory, Warsaw University of Technology - Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, WUT

September 24, 2015 new Graphene Laboratory, part of  Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, was opened at the Warsaw University of Technology. Graphene Laboratory provides facilities for manufacturing of the standardized flake graphene (i.e. graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide and graphene flakes) with a specific functionality for research of new materials and searching for innovative graphene applications.