
WUT Colloquium Lecture - Professor Marek Abramowicz

Professor Marek Abramowicz will give a lecture: Black holes and the centrifugal force paradox, 5 November 2015

Pythagorean Disputations I, 20.10.2015

Center for Advanced Studies WUT invites for the new cycle of meetings - Pythagorean Disputations.

CAS-CIT joint seminar launched in autumn semester 2015

The Center for Advanced Studies and the Centre for Information Technology (WUT) invite to a series of lectures entitled The Challenges of Engineering and Business Modelling.

CAS Advanced Studies Offer

The Center for Advanced Studies has launched the CAS Advanced Studies Offer for the incoming autumn semester 2015/2016.

11th CAS Scientific Workshops, 19-21.06.2015, Lipnik Park

The 11th series of CAS Scientific Workshops took place at Lipnik Park on 19-21 june 2015, leading by prof. Stanisław Janeczko, CAS director.

WUT Colloquium Lecture - Dr. Joseph Monkowski

Dr. Joseph Monkowski will give a lecture:  From Tenured Professor to Silicon Valley Entrepreneur – How It Is Being Done in America, 11 June 2015