
Colloquium Lectures WUT - Professor Mikołaj Szafran

Professor Mikołaj Szafran will deliver the lecture titled "Chemistry in technology of advanced ceramic materials", 21.01.2016.

SCIENTIA SUPREMA - Colloqium Lectures WUT - Professor Rodney S. Ruoff

Professor Rodney S. Ruoff will deliver the lecture titled "Carbon Materials for the Future", 20.01.2016.

Visit of Annette Froehlich, PhD from European Space Policy Institute/Vienna

On 17th of December 2015 Center for Advanced Studies was visited by Dr. Annette Froehlich from European Space Policy Institute in Vienna.

2nd CAS Distinction for Professor Marek Abramowicz, 03.12.2015

The ceremony organized at the Centre for Advanced Studies was dedicated to Professor Marek Abramowicz from Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of Polish Academy of Sciences.

Colloqium Lectures WUT - prof. Marek Demiański

Professor Marek DemiaÅ„ski will deliver the lecture titled  "General Theory of Relativity - Theory and Applications", 26.10.2015.

12th CAS Scientific Workshops, 23-25.10.2015, Kazimierz Dolny

The 12th series of CAS Scientific Workshops took place at Kazimierz Dolny on 23-25 October 2015, leading by prof. Stanisław Janeczko, CAS director.