
Visiting Professor - Prof. Michael Berry

We would like to invite to the lectures of prof. Michael Berry, a world-renowned physicist famous for the discovery of geometric phase called the Berry’s effects in quantum mechanics - 7, 9, 10 July 2014

Computer Holography Workshop, 28-29 August 2014

CAS invites to a series of meetings devoted to computer holography. The workshop will take place on 28-29 August 2014, room no. 111, Faculty of Physics, WUT.

Visiting Professor - Prof. Franck Leprévost

Visiting Lecture - HOW TO SHARE A SECRET?, 25.06.2014

Visiting Professor - Prof. Franck Leprévost

Visiting Lecture - JAMES BOND'S MOST SECRET WEAPON, 23.06.2014

WUT Colloquium Lecture

Sir Professor Michael Berry will deliver a lecture titled Making the Light of Mathematics, 26 June 2014 

WUT Colloquium Lecture

Distinguished architect Mario Botta will give a lecture: The Latest Projects, 10 June 2014