Konferencja naukowa Ethics and AI 2024.09.23


Center for Advanced Studies, Warsaw University of Technology

September 23-25, 2024, Warsaw University of Technology

  • Submission deadline: 30 June 2024
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection: 15 August 2024

General Information

The conference is an interdisciplinary forum connecting the AI-engineering community, the community of philosophers and ethicists, and the community of argumentation theorists. The conference topics focus on broadly understood ethical issues arising in AI. Participants focus on real ethical problems that AI creators, users, and social, cultural, and political systems face. Although focused on ethics, the topics discussed will follow the tradition of the two combined conferences (see https://argdiap.pl/argdiap-meetings/,  https://calculemus.org/fi6/). Part of the conference is a workshop on how to shape academic teaching at the intersection of ethics and AI.

More information: 2024.09.23 - Ethics and AI / Konferencje i seminaria naukowe / Nauka / Strona główna - WydziaÅ‚ Administracji i Nauk SpoÅ‚ecznych (pw.edu.pl)

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