Graduated from the Faculty of Physics at the College of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (1998), got his PhD in chemistry at the Institute of Physical Chemistry (2002). He spent a few years on a postdoctoral fellowship in George Whitesides’s research group at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University (2002-2007). He is a co-author of over 60 scientific publications, a few monographs and numerous patented discoveries. He is a winner of many awards: W. Kołosa Award of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Prime Minister’s Award for the best doctoral and DSc dissertations; he received the Minister of Education Scholarship for outstanding young scientists.
Dr. Garstecki supervises the Research Group for Microflows and Complex Fluids at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences whose work encompasses a wide spectrum of fundamental issues. The Group examines processes of self-organisation in non-equilibrium systems of the soft matter, here dynamic control of electrostatic interactions and polymerization of proteins building cytoskeleton of bacteria. In the area of interests one also finds the phenomena of fluid mechanics, in particular diphase microflows, the formation of droplets and bubbles as well as the processes of droplet transport in microcapillaries and in the networks of microchannels.