The visit of outstanding Professors from Hokkaido University and Yokohama National University, 04-08.09.2017

On 04-08 September 2017 the Center for Advanced Studies hosted outstanding scientists from Japan, at the invitation of the director of the CAS Prof. Stanisław Janeczko:

Prof. Takashi Nishimura from Yokohama National University, an outstanding specialist in differential topology and its applications; Prof. Goo Ishikawa (Hokkaido University), a mathematician specializing in the theory of peculiarities of smooth patterns, symplectic and contact geometry and real algebraic geometry; Prof. Shuichi Izumiya from Hokkaido University, dealing with mathematical physics, differential geometry and singularity theory; and Prof. Keizo Yamaguchi - Rector of Hokkaido University, outstanding mathematics specialist in differential geometry.

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