Colloquium Lecture – „Discovery of gravitational waves”, Dr. Michał Bejger, 1.12.2016.

Colloquium Lecture „Discovery of gravitational waves : Newton and Einstein gravity , Idea of wave detection, Astrophysical  Sources” will be delivered by Dr. hab. Michał Bejger.

Lecturer is an astrophysicist working at the Institute Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center Polish Academy of Sciences. He had been a stipendist of Marie Curie and visiting astronomer at Paris Observatory, and DAAD stypendist. He’s areas of interests are: dense matter equation of state, numerical general relativity as a tool to describe relativistic compact objects, data analysis and statistical methods of detecting gravitational waves, high performance computing and hardware accelerators. Michał Beiger works as an associate professor at N. Copernicus Astronomical Center in Warsaw, he’s an editor in a journal Delta and Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society.

Colloquium Lecture will take place on 1st of December 2016, at 4.15 p.m., lecture hall no. 134, Main Building WUT.

More information : Konwersatorium.