Professor Jean-Paul Brasselet, a director of National Institute for Mathematical Sciences at French National Center for Scientific Research.
He is a mathematician specializing in geometry, singularities topology - real and complex singularities. He served as a director of Luminy Mathematical Institute and International Center for Mathematical Meetings. He took part in many international projects – as a president of French-German Procope project, GDIR project (International Research Group – International Research Networks) involving France, Japan and Vietnam, bilateral agreement between French National Center for Scientific Research and Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science and many others. Jean-Paul Brasselet has an output of numerous publications in professional journals, lectures, papers, and the book “Vectors Fields Singular Varieties”. He was an initiator of IRMA and CIRM publications.
Professor Brasselet will visit Warsaw University of Technology in May 2011, November 2011 and in May 2012 and will be hosted by Professors: Stanisław Janeczko and Irmina Herburt.