Seminar “Rigidity of Legendrian singularities”, prof. Jun-Muk Hwang, 16.10.2018

Center for Advanced Studies invites for the seminar “Rigidity of Legendrian singularities”,  which will be held by professor prof. Jun-Muk Hwang (Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science,  Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), on 16th of October 2018 starting at 4.15 p.m., Koszykowa 75 street, room 431.

prof. Hwang_Jun-muk

Let (M, D) be a holomorphic contact manifold, i.e., a complex manifold M of dimension 2m+1 equipped with a holomorphic contact structure D. An m-dimensional complex analytic subvariety V in M is called a Legendrian subvariety if the smooth locus of V is tangent to D. A Legendrian singularity means the germ of a Legendrian subvariety at a point. We discuss conditions under which a Legendrian singularity becomes a cone singularity and explain how they are related to the geometry of Fano contact manifolds.

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