Promotion of album “Watercolors” by Joanna Pętkowska, 5.10.2016

Center for Advanced Studies Warsaw University of Technology invites to a promotion of album “Watercolors” by Joanna Pętkowska, on 5th of October 2016 at 18.00 at the Zachęta Gallery in Warsaw.

Joanna Pętkowska and Director of CAS WUT Prof. Stanisław Janeczko are taking part in the promotional meeting.

The publication, accomplished by Ilona Sadowska from CAS contains artistic achievements of the aquarellist, including works created during scholarship stay at Berlin in 2014 and watercolors featuring Warsaw and numerous artistic "souvenirs" from a trip to Europe - captivating parts of cities, landscapes - their beauty spotted and captured by the artist.

The album commences with a series of watercolors, created to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Warsaw University of Technology, presenting the buildings of individual faculties of Warsaw University of Technology. The exhibition of watercolors’s reproductions is available to see in the CAS office in Main Building of WUT.


More information:  Galeria Zachęta, FB Galeria Zachęta

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